Hints How to Live Longer

I recently ran across an article that outlined 50 great ways to help us live longer. This includes a wide range of health advice that is backed by a scientific or government study that reveals new insight into what helps or hinders human longevity. Genetics do account for about 25% of the longevity and the rest is up to us.
- Consider extra vitamin D intake, but not too much. Ask your doctor for intake. Get regular blood work levels.
- Cut back on regular use of painkillers as ibuprofen and naproxen that are
included in Advil, Motrin and Aleve that may raise your heart risks. - Hit that bed and get 6+ hours of sleep. Less doubles your risks of illness. A Duke University study shows that frequent sex is a significant predictor of longevity; so don’t go right to sleep!
- You won’t die from eating under-ripe produce, but try that ripened fruit also.
- Yes to that extra cup of coffee as it does more than help you wake up.
- Frozen is fine, so eat that balanced diet when fresh isn’t available.
- Green tea has proven longevity because of the powerful antioxidants.
- Don’t use that sugar as it boosts blood sugar and can play havoc with your heart.
- Get out those whole grains with 3+ servings a day and cut death rate by 20%.
- Spice it up with that hot chili pepper that can add years to your life.
- Drink whole milk as this might give you a 50% lower risk of diabetes.
- Add water to keep adequately hydrated and keep urine a light color
- Be food safe from poisoning. Keep the kitchen clean and wash your hands.
- If you want to reach 100, put the fork down and eat less!
- Don’t forget those veggies!
- Eat like the Greeks with fruits, veggies, olive oil, fish and nuts.
- Live like the Amish and adapt their healthy lifestyles and eating habits.
- Drink less of alcohol as it leads to a shorter life span.
- Saving your pennies might also help you live longer; up to 15 years.
- Consider moving to California, NY or Vermont. Low-Income people tend to
live the longest in these states. - Viewing an awesome experience as Grand Canyon or Beethoven’s 9 th helps.
- Go nuts with that daily handful of nuts, or at least 5 times a week.
- Find your purpose in life; it will help you live longer by doing something useful.
- Embrace your faith and attend those religious services every week.
- Take time off work for that vacation. Not taking it could be a deadly risk.
- Consider mountain life with higher altitudes.
- A friend with 4 legs does wonder for your mental and physical health.
- Those laughter cat videos help to reduce stress and boost the immune system.
- Keep yourself social as loneliness increases the risk of early death by 45%.
- Watching those grandkids can lower your risk by 1/3.
- Do everything you can to stay out of that hospital and avoid their mistakes.
- Monitor yourself and don’t wait for that annual checkup.
- Visit the hardware store for detectors for Carbon monoxide, radon and lead.
- Toss that rug and avoid the top risk for falls.
- Practice the home fire drills.
- Patients receiving care from a female doctor were more likely to survive.
- Make peace with family and get rid of that stress and small stuff.
- Take those stairs at every opportunity, in and out of the home.
- Avoid traffic accidents by avoiding those techy car distractions.
- Drive less after 70 as more accidents occur for those after that age.
- Walk, not drive when possible.
- Stay safe while walking or jogging.
- Walk a little faster for more benefits.
- Fidgeting is good. Sitting increases your risk of dying by 30%.
- Read the AARP Bulletin and keep up to day on health info!
Dr Fredda Branyon